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Fine Motor Skills Fun Deck Pack: 3 Fun Decks

RRP - $143.5   Our Price - $128.64  Set
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  • Fine Motor Skills Fun Deck Pack

Interest Age: 4+

Fine Motor Skills Fun Deck Value pack -Two Super Fun Decks and one Fun Deck tin.

Exercises and tasks that challenge overall hand use, coordination & perceptual skills needed for handwriting and other daily activities skills.

Table of Contents

  • Fine Motor Fun Deck

52 double sided cards of hand activities for strengthening and dexterity, with wipe-off activities for reinforcing fine motor and visual motor skills.

  • Pre-Handwriting Fun Deck

Teach and reinforce the upper-body, fine-motor, and perceptual skills needed for handwriting and other daily activities - full-colour, double-sided, 56-card set.

  • Upper Body and Core Strength Fun Deck

52 cards to teach controlled use and stability of a child's trunk, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, and fingers.

Item MediaPrice
img_8186Fine Motor Skills Fun Deck Pack
3 Fun Decks
img_1002589Fine Motor Fun Deck
img_2003505Pre-Handwriting Fun Deck
img_3003633Upper Body and Core Strength Fun Deck
Activities for Kids